Faces of Suicide

Remembering ...

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Copus, Joshua M.
25 October 1993 - 22 February 2013
Rockford, Illinois, USA

Our Remembrance
Joshy Mike I love you and I miss you. You are the most amazing thing that\'s ever happened to me. The most amazing thing I ever did. The most amazing gift I gave to the world and now heaven too. You are my heart beat my every breath. You\'re the first thing that I think of when I open my eyes each day and the last thought I have b/f I close my eyes each night. There\'s a big hole in my heart for all the moments in between that only you can fill. I\'m imagining you w/ wings of an Angel So Beautiful, so precious, so perfect. I know God has a very special angel job that only you can do. You touched so many lives. I carried you in my womb and I cried tears of joy when I heard your heart beat the first time, and it crushed me the moment I heard your beautiful heartbeat stopped. I am so proud to be the one to give birth to you. The words "I love you" can't begin to describe my adoration, anymore than "I miss you!!" can describe my sorrow. RIP baby plz watch over
me, plz come tell momma you're ok real soon ok. Love you Precious Prince of mine. oxoxox <3 <3 <3

On a bitter cold February Morning my precious son Joshy Mike took a long walk in the snow, he looked up and said "God please take this pain away, please take me home to rest in your loving arms, and if you would just give me some wings I will fly to you." God answered his prayer right then and there, his pain slipped away and he was granted the most magnificent wings to fly to heaven. He said "God may I fly to my loved ones first and kiss and hug them all goodbye, I forgot to do that before my walk today?" God said "yes but hurry b/c I'm anxiously waiting to see you and don't forget that you have family and friends in heaven who are patiently waiting to see you also." So he flew around and blew kisses in the wind to send to each and every one of us, he flew by us all and wrapped his warm loving wings around our broken hearts and said "I'm sorry your hurting. I'll
be waiting to greet you when it's your time to go to heaven. For those who loved me I want you to know, when you feel a warm breeze on your neck and cheek just know I am near thinking of you, watching over you, kissing you" Love Joshy Mike oxoxox