Remembering ...
Click to view picturePalmer, Dillon06 July 1995 - 07 February 2014
Mansfield, Texas, United States
Our RemembranceDillon loved his family and friends. His heart was kind and vulnerable. His nieces where is world. I wish he could have felt all the out pouring of love that has been posted on his Facebook memorial page. He might have realized how much he was loved and needed by us. Whenever their was conflict, he tried to turn the situation around by singing "Why Can't We Be Friends;" while he stood in the middle, wrapped his arms around the two people and swayed. Soon, the argument was over, a group sing a long had replaced conflict. You were only 18 years old. In my dreams, I see your face and reply our last conversation that day. You are happy now, in the arms of God. Save a place for me, I'll be there soon my son.
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